Na Kumu Alaka 'i - Teacher Leader Academy
TLA 20-21 Cohort
Mahalo to the 20-21 TLA Cohort for their commitment and dedication to the students, staff and stakeholders in Hawai'i public schools! These thirty-nine teacher leaders completed action research projects in the midst of a pandemic, and having never met one another in-person, developed one of the strongest networking communities possible!
Vanne Akagi-Bustin
Leilehua High School
Mark Atta
Fern Elementary
Michael Balangitao
Baldwin High School
Eri Blanco
Pa'auilo Elementary and Intermediate School
JJ Cabralda
Leilehua High School
Mapuana Dudoit
Kaunakakai Elementary School
Josette Germano
Nānāikapono Elementary School
Tarah Green
Waiakeawaena Elementary School
Kathy Grondin
Kalihi Elementary School
Joyce Haase
Kaunakakai Elementary School
Haunani Haasenritter
Hilo Intermediate School
Derrek Halmas
Kahakai Elementary School
Nicole Heinlein
'Iao Intermediate School
Tavis Kagawa
Wilcox Elementary School
Barbra Kaimuloa Bates
Kahakai Elementary
Jenna Kala
Leihoku Elementary
Charisse Kapapa
Ka'iulani Elementary School
Julie Kurisu
Alvah Scott Elementary
William Larger
Waikele Elementary School
Blake Lau
Fern Elementary
Joanne Mateo
James Campbell High School
Julia Mew
Moanalua Middle School
Kristin Mullin
Central Middle School
Brittany Neizman
Kula Elementary
Trisha Nishimoto
Hilo-Waiakea Complex Area
Reid Nomura
Manana Elementary School
Jackie Nuha-Tabernero
Waikele Elementary School
Marlene Ohira-Tayama
Mililani Uka Elementary
Cedric Ranchez
Kaimuki High School
Keiko Sagawa-Pananganan
Waimea High School
Tami Saito
Wailuku Elementary
Norman Sales
Farrington High School
Chad Schimmelfennig
'Ele'ele Elementary School
Noelani Takayesu
Central Middle School
Lee Teraoka
Palisades Elementary School
Amy Ueunten
Waimea High School
Pola Umemoto
Hilo Intermediate School
Christine Valledor
Leihoku Elementary School
Todd Yanagi
Waiakeawaena Elementary School
"What Leadership looks like" (graphs)
Cluster Coaching by Complex Areas via Zoom